If you have been reading along, I am sure you know I want to paint my kitchen cabinets black. I have been contemplating this change for almost 2 years! Having never painted shiny stained wood cabinets before I was terrified to try it. I finally decided to give a new product a try (details with the full post after project completion - stay tuned! This paint is supposed to stick to ANYTHING). I figured I would paint my master bathroom cabinets first as they are the same as my kitchen cabinets and if I ruined them it would be far easier and cheaper to rip them out and replace them.
Nonetheless as I literally sit here and wait for the paint to dry, I am sharing a sneak peak with you. The cabinets started out like this....
Middle of the road, maple, warmly stained cabinets.
I took all of the door hardware and doors off (which was surprisingly easier than I anticipated) and went to work.
- I cleaned them all off with TSP & water.
- Let them dry.
- Painted
It was that simple. This new cover anything primer works like a charm.....
Now I am having to make a hard choice: Distress or Not To Distress the cabinets. eeeek I can't decide!
Those doors look great. The cream color kitchen cabinets are always stylish. They seem to withstand time.